A Modern Parable
and the
Model of a Failed

a corporation that is very large; indeed, has many thousands of managers
and employees, and what is more, more than a billion customers. The
corporation has prospered for 2000 years with the business model it
had developed and which had been rigorously maintained by a succession
of over 200 presidents and many more board members. The customers have
been satisfied and in no way found the business wanting in the way of
customer service and business policy.
A new president is then elected — and
without any compelling warrant or reason, decides to change the business
model dramatically. The managers and the employees are told — despite
any evidence — that the business is wanting and could prosper more,
even though it is at the apex of any competing businesses by several
magnitudes of order. Business had been good, the customers happy, and
the employees as well, but he and a handful of likeminded board members
wished to change not only the model, but the erstwhile universally admired
architecture of its thousands of stores throughout the world — as well
as discarding all the lofty artwork that characterized its interiors
to more accord with its less successful competitors. What is more, they
had decided to replace the means of exchange itself, so that from now
on every customer had to use the currency of the country where each
store is located, instead of the credit card that had been issued by
the company to be seamlessly used anywhere in the world in any of its
stores. To make matters worse, if you left your own country you had
to surrender the company credit card and use the currency of the country
you were visiting, even if you did not understand it … or trust it.
Decline Hailed as Growth
Within a few years, this once monolithic
business, viewed as a paradigm of success in its area of competence,
loses tens of thousands of employees and managers and — most importantly
— the customer base, once in the area of 75% repeat business fell to
40%, and in a few more years to less than 25%.
Remarkably, the new president — and
his successors — hail the change as a success, despite
metrics in every area that show it in decline — indeed, almost
in receivership! The stores close by the thousands, or are
consolidated in an effort to stop the hemorrhaging of customers.
Then, in the middle of this disastrous
downward spiral, the corporation is hit, in successive years, with over
$3 Billion dollars of loss in the way of lawsuits due to negligent hiring
practices; practices that resulted in employees being charged with large-scale
and sordid misconduct, in fact, misconduct of the vilest sort, together
with the incessant litigation that followed.
Shall the customers pay for the
company’s negligence — or rather, be forced to pay the lawyers and the
victims for the negligence of the managers? Incredibly, this
appears to be necessary, for the corporation, even after selling off
large portions of its portfolio and closing many, many, of its stores,
faces more lawsuits still as many of its manager, and even its
board members, continue to be indited for salacious crimes.
In the meanwhile, the customers become
fewer and fewer, and to compound the problem, there are no new, trustworthy,
employees to be had as a result of the magnitude of the scandal. The
schools of management (hint: seminaries) must,
of course, close also, for there are no more candidates (seminarians)
for the positions which themselves are fewer and fewer.
Despite this, the Chairman (in the case
of the Catholic Church, pope Francis) and the Board (the bishops and
cardinals) are determined more than ever — not to return to the successful
and prosperous method of the last 2000 years (the Tridentine or Latin
Mass that preceded Vatican II for two millennia) but to continue in
its new business model which is crumbling daily with still further departures
from the past, becoming itself increasingly arthritic, along with its
remaining customers.
What do you see in all this? What is
your assessment of its management and its future as a viable business?
The question, of course, is rhetorical, except for the doctrinaire few
who maintain that — despite all appearances and metrics — it is actually
prospering in its manifest decline.
This is a vignette of the state of the
“modern” Catholic Church in receivership subsequent to Vatican II. It
is the state of the Church today. And many increasingly wonder if it
is the same Church at all — given the changes that followed — and still
follow — that ill-fated Council that effectively defected from the Faith
and went the Way of the World.
Counterfeit: another religion altogether?
What is essentially understood as “The
Conciliar Church of Vatican II,” “The Post-Conciliar Church,” or the
“Novus Ordo (New Order) Church” is, in fact, a significant network of
homosexual clerics and pedophiles at all levels, most of whom
had lost their faith altogether. From Paul VI's very first Encyclical
Ecclesiam Suam in 1964, it “progressively” (in both senses of
the word) became an institutional exercise in self-loathing, a distancing
of itself from what was uniquely, historically, and conspicuously Catholic.
Confronted with the moral and cultural collapse of the 1960s and the
subsequent conflict with faith, reason, and authority, the Church sought
to address these issues not on the terms that had ever sustained her
through two millennia of continual crises, but rather, on terms that
were congenial to the world, a world in moral, social, and political
Rather than confronting the world
with a competing vision to the chaos that wracked it, the “new”
Church conformed to the world (so much so, in fact, that the
chaos it encountered outside its cloister walls soon leached into and
was now internalized in the chaotic doctrines it produced), ending the
hostility by surrendering to it — and 70 years later, under the pontificate
of Francis, even collaborating with it!
As a result, the once distinguishable,
singular, and uniquely identifiable, Roman Catholic Church became an
iteration of itself: itself, but another instance of itself,
which is to say not itself. If you find this confusing, then you have
understood the plight of “modern” Catholicism. Some argue, and not without
substance, that it well may have become another religion altogether;
a religion distinct from, and not identical to, nor in continuity with,
the Holy Catholic Church that preceded it for 2000 years.
“Hermeneutics of Continuity?”
What about the “Hermeneutics” that is
often discussed as a bridge of sorts between the Catholic Church and
the Post-Catholic Vatican II Church? This pretentious word means little
more than Scriptural interpretation, and methods of interpretation
in general. It was Benedict, however, who coined the phrase “Hermeneutic
of Continuity” in December 2005 and applied it to the failed
effort to demonstrate that the Church prior to Vatican II is
effectively the same Church that emerged from that unfortunate
Council — however great the disparity between the two.
In short, it refers to the proposition
that — despite all compelling and verifiable indications that it had,
in fact, changed, and had changed significantly — the
Church of Pope Pius XII (and all 259 of his predecessors for 2000 years)
and that of Francis … are identical. That every other religion even
remotely cognizant of Catholicism soberly recognizes that this is untrue,
few, very few, Catholic churchmen will. And fewer “Princes of the Church”
still. Possibly the only one who may not contest this is the
pope, Francis himself, who appears to have made every effort in 10 years
to instigate a schism — to cut off, once and for all, the “old” that
is drawing off young blood from the “new.” Like his tyrannical counterpart
in North Korea, he is determined, in the Church, to stamp out all remembrance
of the past, together with every vestige of anything that preceded him
and the Second Vatican Council.
Balkanization of the Church
Amid the great confusion surrounding
this novel concept of a “Hermeneutic of Continuity,” perhaps
the greatest is its presuming to provide an “interpretation”
of something present, not simply through what preceded
it, but from which it significantly differs. Indeed, precisely as a
result of what is experienced as discontinuity it has arguably
culminated in a crisis of identity. The notion of Vatican II as an “organic
development” has become increasingly difficult to sustain given the
undeniably profound changes that occurred within the Church and which
still occur unabated. These changes have, in turn, resulted in a balkanization
of the Church into conflicting and irreconcilable factions within it,
much as had inevitably occurred within Protestantism. Far from
a “hermeneutic of continuity,” what we now confront is not an evolution
so much as it is a mutation., a fundamental change in the
Churches’ understanding of itself, its mission and its relevance. What
is more, we must ask, since when did the Church need an interpretation
of itself? Is this even a meaningful question?
Of the many problems plaguing the Church
(to say nothing of other learned institutions) is its penchant for
literal and verbal complexity and ambiguity; the saying
of something that sounds profound — such as a “hermeneutic of
continuity” — but in the end is without substance. It possesses a sense
of impenetrable density; something opaque to immediate understanding
or comprehension, an aura of meaning, but is ultimately empty
of it. It appears to have gavitas, but is found wanting.
It conceals itself as a cypher, something written in secret code that
only the “initiated” — those who have the “cognitive superiority,” the
“necessary intelligence” — unlike you — can grasp.
We then come to understand the purpose
of obfuscation: if a statement cannot be understood, how can
it be attacked? It is transparent and dishonest rhetorical device:
if attacked, deflect the attack by indicting the attacker; specifically,
his supposed lack of understanding or intellectual perspicacity.
The attempt to reconcile what has essentially
become the “Post-Catholic Conciliar Church” with all that had
preceded it for so many centuries has consistently failed. Why? Because
There is no “Hermeneutic of Continuity” — and no “Hermeneutic
of Rupture.”
The entire notion of a “hermeneutic”
at all between Vatican II and the Pre-Conciliar Church has become,
for all intents and purposes, a mere literary device, a bromide that
has the gravitas of a cliché. The failure, or more often than
not, the unwillingness, to honestly acknowledge the “Hermeneutic
of Continuity” to be the discredited project it has resulted in, now
verges on culminating in schism.
Why? Given the widespread scandal, confusion,
and the recurring odor of heresy that has both inundated the Church,
and, most especially, characterized the pontificate of Francis —
a pontiff who holds himself to be the bold embodiment and most vigorous
“enforcer” of all the doctrines that effectively corrupted Catholicism
following Vatican II
1 — it has become increasingly
difficult, if not actually impossible, to reconcile the Roman Catholic
Church that existed for 2000 years with the Ecumenical “Faith Community”
that emerged as an impoverished resemblance, a mere simulacrum, of what
preceded it.
Too Many, Too Conspicuous, and Too Profound
The points of difference have become
too many, too conspicuous, and too profound to ignore for the sake of
“dialogue”, “accompaniment” (whatever this Bergoglian novelty means)
and a Church understanding it as “her task of promoting unity
and love … and fellowship … among men and nations,”
2 still less, “dialogue”,
“accompaniment” (whatever this novelty means), in place of her primary
role which is, and ever has been the Salvation of Souls (Canon
Law 175), rather than improving society, establishing economic and social
equity among peoples and nations, and simply promoting “fellowship”
and feeling good about ourselves and others no matter how morally abhorrent
our lives, how obscene our desires, and how contemptuous our indifference
to God.
In fact, the “Hermeneutic of Continuity”
proposes to do something more than simply pretend that a continuity
exists where one does not exist, or, if however remotely, can be only
tenuous at best: it seeks to tether us to what we have found to be
foreign to our Catholic religion: holding the strange and false
gods of other religions to be the same God that Catholics worship and
have always worshipped;
to go so far as to show reverence
to the Amazonian pagan goddess Pachamama in the Vatican Gardens,
and to display this naked idol as a centerpiece in the Carmelite Church
of Santa Maria in Traspontina in Rome.4
The scandal throughout the world was palpable.
Let us, then, be painfully clear:
the Catholic Faith is, in fact, largely beside the point in the
Post-Catholic-Conciliar-Church. Other … “Ecclesial
Communities,” …. however factionalized into a thousand sects by
irreconcilable disagreements with each other — both Protestant and Orthodox
—we are now to understand are equally able to bring us to Heaven!
And not even specifically Christian religions, but any
religion: Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. All are acknowledged in the
Ecumenical Doctrine of Vatican II to be viable alternatives — not just
to Catholicism, but to Christianity itself. (see footnote
So, Why Be A Catholic At All?
This is the huge question,
perhaps the most conspicuous question that no one wishes to ask —
and answer — for two reasons: first, to simply ask it is
to summarily indict the very raison d'etre of Vatican
II: what was its purpose as a convocation of Catholics if it abolished
every reason for being Catholic rather than something, anything, else?
The second reason is that the question is impossible to be coherently
answered for effectively the same reason, which is … there is
no reason! The documents of Vatican II provide not just no
compelling reason, but no reason at all to be a Catholic,
remain a Catholic, or become a Catholic.
Away with you, then, to the mosque,
the temple, the gurdwara, or pagoda. However culturally inflected the
worship, the end is the same if you are on board with Francis & Friends,
with Ecumenism, Synodality, and the “Art” of Accompaniment.
On the other hand, if you have maintained
your genuine Catholic Faith against the reproach of men in white robes,
scarlet caps, amaranth zucchettos, and a dazzling array of “modern”
stylized crosiers who do not despise pagans, Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists
but who despise you, Catholic Man and Catholic Woman as — to use Francis’s
derogative word for us — “indietrists” as “backward-ists,”
Didn’t Christ warn us that even those within
the household will despise us as bastards, not belonging to the house
at all?
Children’s parents and grandparents:
this is a parable only. But tell the children of something which once was unspeakably beautiful
— and manifestly holy. Assure them that it still is … somewhere ... and always will be,
in spite of every effort to suppress it, obscure it, and abolish it
by men who have made a treaty with the world rather than keeping a
covenant with God.
1 Most notable among which
are “The Decree on Ecumenism” (Unitatis Redintegratio), “The
Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions”
(Nostra Aetate), “The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church” (Lumen
Gentium), and “The Decree on the Church’s Missionary Activity” (Ad
2 Nostra Aetate
Lumen Gentium 2.16.126
the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator.
In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing
to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and
merciful God.
6 St. Mat.
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal
Feast of Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
February 2, 2024
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opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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