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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason



Novena to Saint Jude

Saint of the Impossible

Download a Free Printable Booklet
that is foldable into 4 parts in one page


(Just click on the image below)

 Novena to Saint Jude Saint of the Impossible

The instructions are simple:


  1. Simply click here (or on the image above) to print or download the novena

  2. Once the novena appears either print it or download it to save it

  3. For the entire Novena you must print enough copies for 9 consecutive days of the novena, leaving 9 copies in Church each day. Your prayer well may be answered before the 9th day, so you need not print them for all nine days.

  4. Simply fold the single sheet of paper twice to create a four-fold booklet with the Novena to Saint Jude

    It is important to recognize that even in the beautiful Communion of Saints, our petitions to God — even those prayed for us by the Saints themselves — are placed in the hands of our loving, all-knowing and all-good God Who alone sees and knows all ends and what is best for us and those we love. We may believe that the good that we pray for is the greatest good possible, but only God, seeing and willing the greatest good, knows what the greatest good is for us and those we confidently pray for. We do not resent God for this, but love Him all the more, for ever He is ready to give us far more than we ask for! (St. Luke 11.11-12

    Yet we pray this novena for them in confidence, for it is borne to God on our fervent love — which He sees in His mercy unspeakable. Too many miracles have been obtained through this devotion for us to declare that we are now too sophisticated for what the simple in faith (and even the learned ) have long had recourse to.

  5. Please — say one single prayer for us ... the simplest, even a two word prayer in passing ... for which we will be immeasurably grateful.

Boston Catholic Journal




Dear Saint Jude,

Thank you for helping me! Thank you for making what was impossible for me, possible through your intercession: for helping me stop smoking — after decades of trying! I had tried everything throughout the years:  cigarette-holder devices, patches, hypnosis, cold-turkey, everything! Even after a terrible injury when doctors told me that I absolutely had to stop smoking to allow enough blood to reach the injury to heal it, I couldn't!

Then my daughter and her husband downloaded this novena to you, and prayed it for me. I was touched by their love but really didn't think it could work "for me". Not me! Not after all these years.

Well, for the first time since I began smoking even before my teens--I have stopped! I would never have thought it was possible.

You ARE the Saint of the Impossible! Thank you for helping me. Thank you for praying for me. I really hope to thank you in person one day!


PS: Dear Editor. I remember that you had to promise to publish that St. Jude helped you. Now we have the Internet. Thank you for publishing this, if you do!




Boston Catholic Journal

Totally Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Holy See in Rome

Scio opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum 
I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name. (Apocalypse 3.8)

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 Novena to St Jude Printable 4-fold with one piece of paper

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