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Boston Catholic Journal - Critical Catholic Commentary in the Twilight of Reason



The REAL Goal

of the LGBTQ+ (-÷?=±) Movement



The Goal of the LGBTQ+ Movement: Destroy the Family


Just as Satan cannot create, but only mimic and mock ... in the LGBTQ+ Movement we find Satan’s effort to contrive a spurious — a completely counterfeit and totally perverse mockery of the genuine family. It is a diabolical and grotesque attempt to pass off what is a fiction for what is real — with the willing, even eager, collaboration of a militantly perverse community of secular abettors. 

But there is one impediment to this epic exploit in Western culture as it devolves into de-civilization and debauchery: the family.

As long as the nuclear family of husband, wife and children remains intact, it is a clarion indictment of the sterile sexual perversity that the LGBTQ+ delusion embraces, enacts, and promotes.  The family stands as an unassailable reproach to the counterfeit, for it is genuinely procreative and naturally perpetuates itself — as every other species has from the dawn of creation.

The family — one man and one woman, one husband and one wife, with children of their own flesh as the natural fruit of their marital love — exists naturally, not artificially. It is not the product of surgery, fantasy, or legislation: indeed, without the traditional nuclear family — as it has always been understood — mankind ineluctably ceases to be.

It is the natural hedge against the delusional.  Not all the artificial appurtenances, appendages, cosmetics, or clothing can so much as approximate this natural biological unit. However clever the disguise, however subtle the surgery, the counterfeit remains and provokes an instinctive revulsion to what is both artificial and abnormal — it is inescapable! The most convincing robot engineered to virtually resemble a human being in every way — remains no more than that: a robot. It will never, it can never, attain to being human.



No legislation or law that man in his depravity can devise, implement, or advocate to stifle the irrepressible guilt of his perversity can ever be authentically internalized. However strident his social agitation, however forceful the apparatus of the state, and despite every effort at pretension and dissemblance, the perverse is inexorably perceived — and loathed.

It is a self-loathing, a loathing so profound that it attempts to extinguish itself, to abrogate its own identity and become completely another — not simply another gender, but another person which is precisely what another gender is! It is someone apart from who one is; so much so that even the gender must be eradicated and artificially reassigned to its opposite. This is self-loathing.

A Mockery of the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph

The devil, as it is said, is not simply in the details — but in the fabrication itself! In a word, it is diabolical. The devil has no gender, and no “skin in the game.” That is why he can equally work both sides: male and female, pit them against each other, even against themselves — for whatever the aftermath, and however ugly, it is ultimately against God — and for Satan, a win! He mocks the Holy Family with the instigation of the unholy family of his fabrication: the homosexual “marriage.”  Playing into our own pride that we will determine what is good and what is evil — not God — he makes us masters of our own destruction.

Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal

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(Apocalypse 3.8)


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