Making a “Living” off
Parasites in the
Body of Christ
Making a “Living” off Catholicism
First: a short, but extremely helpful aside:
In Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, the greatest Commander
in classical antiquity, the Spartan General Brasidas, in the winter
of the 8th year of the war, laid siege to the strategic city of Amphipolis
in northern Hellas in 424 BC (visited, incidentally, by Socrates while
serving in the Athenian Army) where, in a later battle in 421 BC, Brasidas
himself was to die. He headed the most successful army of Sparta.
It was not, however, by force of arms that Brasidas entered the besieged
city, but through sedition — and not, interestingly enough — by the
demos, or people, of Amphipolis, but principally through the people
of the neighboring city of Argilus “who had their own designs on Amphipolis”
(Bk. 4/103) and together with their countrymen inside its walls. Amphipolis
fell without a fight, and even in subsequent wars was never recovered
by Athens.
The Peloponnesian Paradigm
So ... you ask, what possible connection exists between today's “Professional”
Catholics in the Church, and the Argilians who lived inside the walls
of Amphipolis?
First, we must understand that the Argilians lived, profited through,
enacted perfunctory rituals within, and took shelter under the aegis
of Amphipolis ... even as they planned and executed the betrayal of
the native Hellenes or Athenians within her. While not native Amphipolans,
or, for that matter, Athenians, they were, in a manner of speaking,
“professional” Amphipolans.
They earned their wages and some made their small fortunes solely through
their association with Amphipolis. They had no allegiance to — except
inasmuch as they could earn a living through — the Athenians at Amphipolis,
whom they emulated even as they despised them.
It is not the case that the Argilians looked to the Lacedemonians (the
Spartans) as their liberators (which Brasidas sincerely believed himself
and his army to be); they did not love Sparta, but they hated Athens.
Yet, daily they passed in and out of her walls, ate in her fields and
sold in her markets. They could earn a living in Amphipolis ... even
as they hated her.
It is notable that even as their hatred festered, they did nothing overtly
treasonable until an opportune time ... in fact, until the appearance
of the leading elements of Brasidas’ cavalry at the gates of Argilus.
The designs they could not effect on Amphipolis of themselves, they
could, they understood at once, effect through Brasidas, and they used
him to this end.
Catholicism as “a job
The Church is dangerously bloated with “Professional” Catholics —
that is to say, Catholics to whom, and for whom, “being Catholic” is
a means to making, money, and for whom Catholicism is a job, an income,
and in many cases a “profession” (not a Profession of Faith).
Given the American Corporate model around which the Church in America
appears to be increasingly molding itself, there is no inherent contradiction
in working for the corporation and hating the boss who runs it.
The point of significant divergence, however, is that in secular Corporate
America, the expression of such sentiments is likely to end at the back
of the unemployment line. What is strange is that in such an event,
we seldom, or rarely encounter the charge of intolerance. The reasoning
appears to be legitimate: if you do not like it here, you are free to
leave and find a job elsewhere and more to your liking. XYZ Company
produces and pushes products and services much more to your liking,
and in better keeping with, or at least more amenable to, your lifestyle.
However, ... if you choose to stay here at ABC Company which produces
and markets goods and services deeply antithetical to those of XYZ Company's
– whose interests are not only at odds with, but in fact inimical to
our own – we presume that you will be loyal to the interests of ABC
Company who is, after all, paying you to produce our own authentic goods
and providing loyal services. If you are willing to take our money,
you must be willing to agree with, and abide by, our policies. This
is not tyranny. If you find such policies repugnant to you, you are
free to keep them to yourself, or to leave.
You are not, however, free to disseminate policy of your own making,
or goods and services promoted by XYZ Company .... and pass them off
as ours. This is egregiously duplicitous and dishonest, is it not? In
this way only do we see a significant divergence between the secular
corporate model and its ecclesiastical emulation:
To wit: In the Church you can stay, promote your own unique and incompatible
agenda ... and even get paid for it! Not a bad deal. Except for the
Church ... and her children.
To do otherwise clearly requires a measure of some integrity. It requires
something more than a neurotic paralysis between incompatible choices.
Integrity should compel us to do, not what is profitable at any cost
... but what is right. To be paid to make one thing and to make another
is one example. To be paid to teach one thing, and then to take it upon
ourselves to teach its contradictory for the same pay is, I suggest,
another and extremely eminent example of the absence of integrity.
This breach of integrity — however lamely excused (and there are always
excuses, and they will always be cleverly couched, for they are self-interested)
is exponentially compounded, not by the intrinsic disorder within it,
and not even by a breach of faith with what is presumed to be holy.
It is, in the end, theft of the most execrable kind: it is predation
of the Widow's Mite. It is a taking of the .25 cents from the 7-year-old
girl, the dollar from the 85-year-old man, and sometimes the lunch money
from some destitute student .... to make a comfortable living dissenting
from the very things which they hold sacred and to which they contribute
at so great a cost in so little a gift. It is, as it ever has been,
a taking by the powerful from the powerless. It is nothing less. We
know the victims. They fill every pew. Now ... who are the predators?
The “Professional Catholics”
The fleecing of the Faithful to other ends ... which is to say, teaching
them defiance of, and in contradiction to, the authentic teaching of
the Catholic Church while “earning a living off it” to which parents
pay tribute in coppers of real sacrifice ... is distributed between
Catholic academics in nominally Catholic colleges and universities and
the monetarily-engaged-laity in any teaching capacity. The nearly one-thousand-year-old
teaching of the Church which maintains that Faith and Reason are, as
we had seen earlier, mutually complementary, neither conflicting nor
contradictory — and as such constituted an ideal basis upon which to
found an authentic Catholic education.
As with so much once uniquely and identifiably Catholic following Vatican
II, this was thoroughly repudiated in the Land-o-Lakes Conference which,
renouncing Catholicism as objectively informative in education, favored
not simply rapprochement with the secular educational world, but complete
submission to it. The conference stated this capitulation in no uncertain
“the Catholic university must
have a true autonomy and academic freedom in the face of
authority of whatever kind, lay or clerical, external to
the academic community itself.” |
This is especially true in those who inhabit that indistinct penumbra
between the priest and his local “Pastoral Assistant,” and later, in
higher education, to theologian-cum-Mandatum. Let us enumerate a few.
All are putative docents of sorts, and the one thread binding their
diversity is this: disaffection. Disaffection from the Church. From
Rome; and sometimes — perhaps more often than not — from God.
Now that we have put a point on the needle, let us touch a few of the
more bloated institutions ... but with the blunt end first; you know,
the one with the proverbial “eye” ... the passage through which bloated
purses and personalities are said to be so problematic. Too quick a
thrust with the pointed end would – at least narratively – be anticlimactically
implosive. Let us start with the Catholic Colleges, Seminaries, and
“Theological Institutes” where the “profession” is most lucrative, the
dissension most strident and the disaffection deepest.
Where to begin?
The list is long, involuted, and often redundant. Perhaps it is well
to start at the apex where the dissidence — and, commensurably, the
“professional” salaries — are greatest; in other words, where dissidence
is most amply rewarded and appears to be the sine qua non of “academic”
We must, however, and in all fairness, preface our consideration of
this implosive topic by a clear understanding of something contractual
and signatory in nature and morally binding in purpose, scope, and intent.
In other words, if you “sign on the dotted line” you agree, in taking
the money, to do the job, not as you see it, but according to the job
description clearly outlined in the contract. To do otherwise is clearly
You want the money and you want the job title — both are very appealing
and the latter redounds to your notability — but the fact of the matter
is that you really do not want to do that particular job. The perquisites,
nevertheless, are very compelling indeed. It is vexing, but it remains
the case withal that, once you have entered into the contract, you have
agreed, for example, to refrain from insider trading and to act honestly
on behalf of the brokerage and its legitimate interests which, presumably,
coincide with yours, as well as those of the investors who have entrusted
their interests to you ... or you would not have applied in the first
place .... right? You will not, by contract, say, broker securities
that are not within the portfolio of the brokerage, offer misleading
advice, or encourage your investors to go elsewhere. You concurred with
the terms of the contract; they are amenable to you, and the compensation
is handsome, so ... you sign up. Correct?
Yes and no. In the cut-throat, self-interested world of corrupt Corporate
America such agreements, such contracts are, in fact, binding and even
actionable; however often they are violated as a matter of fact, there
is a real or at least a presumed binding in such contractual agreements,
together with legal recourse and punitive sanctions in the event of
breach. In fact, it is of the essence of contractual agreements that
they bind; otherwise, the notion of a contract becomes meaningless.
The moral, the ethical, dimension that has a direct bearing on the integrity
of the individual signatory to the contract is much simpler. One simply
does not (or clearly ought not) enter into — nor remain within — affairs
that entail a conflict of interest. It is both morally reprehensible
and egregiously self-interested. One does not earn ones living by violating
ones keep. It is a matter of irreconcilable contrariety. One, for example,
who agrees to work for, and to be paid by, the Anti-Defamation League,
and then use that money and position to promote anti-Semitism, is, I
suggest, guilty of more than mere duplicity in advocating the liquidation
of his employer. And now, literally, to the heart of the matter: What
is the Contract and what is the Breach?
Ex Corde Ecclesiae: “Out of the Heart of the Church”
The Apostolic Constitution on Higher Education, “Ex Corde Ecclesiae”
– “Out of the Heart of the Church” – was issued by Pope John Paul II
in 1990 and requires professors of Catholic theology within Catholic
colleges and universities obtain a mandatum, or mandate, from the local
bishop. Professors must petition for the mandate, the purpose of which
is ensure that Catholic theologians teach authentically Catholic doctrine,
and “refrain from putting forth as Catholic teaching anything contrary
to the Church's Magisterium.” Such a petition may be denied by the local
bishop, or a given mandate withdrawn if the bishop deems that the theologian
is not teaching doctrine that accords with the Magisterium of the Church;
in other words, if it does not proceed ex corde Ecclesiae. Let us briefly
look at some of the more pertinent quotations from The Apostolic Constitution
Excerpts from The Apostolic Constitution on Higher Education:
“Fidelity to the Christian message as it comes to us through the Church”
(Part I.3)
• “In a Catholic University...Catholic ideals, attitudes
and principles penetrate and inform university activities
...” (ibid. 1.14) 6
• “a recognition of and adherence to the teaching authority
of the Church in matters of faith and morals. Catholic members
of the University community are also called to a personal
fidelity to the Church with all that this implies.” (ibid.
• “If need be, a Catholic University must have the courage
to speak uncomfortable truths which do not please public
opinion, but which are necessary to safeguard the authentic
good of society.” (ibid. 32)
• “A Catholic University, as Catholic, informs and carries
out its research, teaching, and all other activities with
Catholic ideals, principles, and attitudes.” (ibid. 2.2)
• “... all Catholic teachers are to be faithful to, and
all other teachers are to respect, Catholic doctrine and
morals in their research and teaching. In particular, Catholic
theologians, aware that they fulfill a mandate received
from the Church, are to be faithful to the Magisterium of
the Church as the authentic interpreter of Sacred Scripture
and Sacred Tradition.” (ibid. 4.3) |
then the “Dissidents” ...
As we see in the Apostolic Constitution, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, the Holy
See is unequivocally clear and succinct in the stipulations outlined
in the contract binding the Catholic theologian to the Magisterium,
or authentic teaching, of the Church. Its clarity, in fact, is pristine;
there is little, if any, room for casuistic interpretation of the Holy
See’s expectations. There is equally little room for latitude in interpreting
the commitment to teaching authentic Church doctrine — that is to say,
explicitly, doctrine that completely accords with the Magisterium of
the Church — on the part of the applicant, the professor-hopeful.
The difficulty comes to us, really, in the form of the simplest disjunction
in syllogistic reasoning evidencing itself in the manifest absence of
correspondence between otherwise irreconcilable propositions:
• You must explicitly agree to abide by the terms (Ex
Corde Ecclesiae).
• “I explicitly agree to abide by the terms. So much so,
in fact, that I am signatory to them. Nevertheless,
I hold myself to be exempt from them.” (bishop, professor,
theologian, teacher etc.) |
Apart from the formal, or logical inconsistency, there is the salient
ethical breach, and this, of the two, strikes us most forcefully. Inadvertent
errors in reasoning are of the nature of defect; deliberated breaches
of ethics are of the nature of malice. As Alasdair MacIntyre, perhaps
the most eminent 21st century moral philosopher, once astutely noted,
to hold oneself in exception to, or in self-exemption from, otherwise
universally binding norms, is not simply immoral, but is of the essence
of the unethical, the immoral. In other words, I hold myself to be an
exception to the rule ... to which all others must, or at least ought,
to comply. I hold such rules to be legitimately binding ... but not
upon me.
Were it simply a matter of cognitive dissonance we could dismiss the
matter merely as a psychological aberration ... were it not pandemic
within Catholic theological academia, where, as we have said, open and
abrasive dissent is the sine qua non of acceptable academic credentials
and the appropriate posture of plausibility. The problem is deeper.
“Father Dan”
Let us take, for example, the curious figure of one “Fr.” Daniel Moynihan
who insists that, “We listened much too much to the penis when we should
have sought an audience with the clitoris.” (The Religious Consultation
on Population, Reproductive Health & Ethics)
“Daniel C. Maguire is a Professor of Moral Theological Ethics
at Marquette University, a Catholic, Jesuit Institution
and President of the Religious Consultation on Population,
Reproductive Health and Ethics. … the author of Sacred Choices:
The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions
… The articles include “Different but Equal: A Moral Assessment
of the Woman's Liberation” “The Freedom to Die,” “Sex and
Ethical Methodology,” and “The New Look of Death.” |
Clearly, as an ethicist and prominent moral theologian, “father Dan”
has much to teach the young Catholic entrusted by the Church to his
tutelage ... once, that is, the student is sufficiently adept at discerning
that he is lecturing on ethics and not being gratuitously salacious.
To wit, consider the following: (Father) Daniel Maguire’s Memorable
address to:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2002 Annual
Interfaith Prayer Breakfast 9 March 21, 2001
“Pleasure is what sex is all about. Historic philosophy
invaded western culture with the idea that sexual pleasure
is presumed guilty until proven innocent. Only procreative
intent could bring acquittal. Such nonsense. Sex rarely
has anything to do with procreation. The old axiom listen
to your body was misapplied here. We listened much too
much to the penis when we should have sought an audience
with the clitoris. The penis has divided loyalties
and multiple missions. It is concerned with procreation
and waste removal. The clitoris is single-minded.
It’s one goal, as Susan Ross, the ethicist says, is exquisite
sexual pleasure.” |
Unique ...
How many scholars outside of the Catholic Church, have not simply the
propensity to discuss ethical issues with vulvae, but seek to an audience
with, and hope to elicit an answer from, interlabial anatomical features?
And anticipate being enlightened? That is a rare gift. Would, then,
“Fr. Dan” interview a clitoris? A distinct possibility ... even if he
is the only one who hears it speaking.
An exemplary Catholic scholar, to be sure ... despite the absence of
any consonance between “Dan’s” teaching, and the authentic teaching
of the Catholic Church at a Catholic Jesuit University. Is something
immediately amiss?
Who pays “Dan” handsomely to teach “Moral Theological Catholic Ethics”?
The Catholic Jesuit Marquette University. Who pays the university that
pays Dan? Where do the students get their tuition to pay the university
to pay Dan? From their parents. Are their parents Catholic? Largely.
Was it their expectation that by sending their son or daughter to a
Catholic University that their children would receive a genuine “Catholic”
education? Presumably. Was someone sold a bill of goods? I think so.
Who have you been listening to lately ...?
Well, we have a clear take on “what” – not “who” — Dan has been listening
to lately, and even if we do not hear what Dan hears from his own ...
well, private, sources, he is ready to proclaim it to the world ...
but who is listening, besides his unfortunate students? Certainly not
the bishops! They are, by the latest polls, apparently too busy listening
for a knock at the door by a State Prosecutor for the sexual predators
whom they have been hiding, or shuffling about … or perhaps for they
themselves. Were they attentive to the moral turpitude of “Dan,” they
would have stripped him of his faculties as a priest, prohibited him
from celebrating Mass, and wearing a clerical collar (which Dan does
not, anyway.)
Demand a Refund
Have you been defrauded? Have you been sold a bill of goods? Did you
get what you paid for? Did you get who you pay for? Who broke faith?
The “Catholic” University? The bishop? Dan of the sub-Sibylline gifts?
Actually ... all three: One for profit, one for power, and one for prestige.
And ... alas ... no one stood with Christ.
Sounds like a viable class-action suit to me.
Wasn’t it a fixation with genitalia that brought the Church in Boston
to this sad state to begin with? Or are the two somehow related?
It depends on Who — and “what” you are listening to.
Faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted
to the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum
Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power, and
yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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