Martyrology, Complete, July
Semen est sanguis Christianorum
(The blood of Christians is the seed of the Church) Tertullian, Apologeticum,

This Day, the First Day of July
The Octave of St. John the Baptist.
Feast of the Most Precious Blood
of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
On Mount Hor, the demise of St. Aaron,
the first priest of the Levitical Order.
In England, the holy martyrs Julius
and Aaron, who suffered after St. Alban, in the persecution
of Diocletian.
In the same country, a great number
being at that time tortured in different manners and barbarously
lacerated, ended their combat, and attained to the
joys of the Heavenly city.
At Mechlin, the martyrdom of St. Rumold,
son of an Irish king, and bishop of Dublin.
At Sinuessa, the holy martyrs Castus
and Secundinus, bishops.
At Vienne, St. Martin, bishop
and disciple of the Apostles.
At Clermont, in Auvergne, St. Gal,
In the diocese of Lyons, the decease of
St. Domitian, abbot, who was
the first to lead there an eremitical life. After having
assembled in that place many servants of God, and gained
great renown for virtues and miracles, he was gathered to
his fathers at an advanced age.
In the diocese of Rheims, St. Theodoric,
priest and disciple of the blessed bishop Remigius.
At Angouleme, St. Eparchius, abbot.
At Emesa, St. Simeon, surnamed Salus,
confessor, who feigned to be an idiot for Christ;
but God manifested his high wisdom by great miracles.
At Vicenza, the demise of St. Theobald, of the Counts of
Campania, hermit, who was added to the number of the saints
by Alexander III on account of his holiness and miracles.
In England, the holy martyrs Julius
and Aaron, who suffered after St. Alban in the persecution
of Diocletian. In the same country
a great number were tortured at that time in different
ways and barbarously lacerated, ended their combat, and
attained to the joys of the Heavenly city.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Second Day of July
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary to Elizabeth.
At Rome, on the Aurelian road, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Processus and Martinian,
who were baptized by the blessed Apostle Peter in the Mamertine
prison. After being struck on the mouth, racked, scourged
with thongs and whips tipped with pieces of metal ; after
being beaten with rods and exposed to the flames, they were
beheaded in the days of Nero, and thus obtained the crown
of martyrdom.
Also, at Rome, three holy soldiers,
who were converted to Christ by the martyrdom of the blessed
Apostle Paul, and with him merited to be made partakers
of Heavenly glory.
The same day, the holy martyrs Ariston,
Crescentian, Eutychian, Urbanus, Vitalis, Justus, Felicissimus,
Felix, Marcia, and Symphorosa, who were all crowned
with martyrdom when the persecution of the emperor Diocletian
was raging.
At Winchester, in England, St. Swithin,
bishop, whose sanctity was illustrated by the gift
of miracles.
At Bamberg, the holy bishop Otho,
who preached the Gospel to the people of Pomerania, and
converted them to the faith.
At Tours, the demise of St. Monegundes,
a pious woman.
At Lecce in Apulia, St. Bernardino
Realino, confessor, who after practicing the legal
profession as a judge, entered the Society of Jesus, was
ordained to the priesthood, and was renowned for his charity
and miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Third Day of July
At Alexandria, St. Tryphon, and twelve
other martyrs.
At Constantinople, the holy martyrs
Eulogius and his companions.
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, St. Hyacinthus,
chamberlain of the emperor Trajan. Accused of being
a Christian, he was scourged and thrown into prison, where,
consumed with hunger, he breathed his last.
At Chiusi, in Tuscany, in the reign of the emperor Trajan,
the holy martyrs Irenaeus, deacon,
and Mustiola, a matron, who were subjected to various
atrocious tortures and merited the crown of martyrdom.
The same day, the holy martyrs Mark
and Mucian, who were put to the sword for Christ.
As a small boy cried out to
them not to sacrifice to idols, he was whipped, but confessing
Christ all the more vigorously, he was killed with
a man named Paul, who had also
exhorted the martyrs.
At Laodicea, in Syria, St. Anatolius,
a bishop, whose writings were admired not only by
religious men, but even by philosophers.
At Altino, St. Heliodorus, a bishop
distinguished for holiness and learning.
At Ravenna, St. Dathus, bishop and
At Edessa, in Mesopotamia, the translation
of the Apostle St. Thomas from India. His relics
were afterwards taken to Tortona.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fourth Day of July
The prophets Osee and Aggaeus.
In Africa, the birthday of St. Jucundian,
a martyr who was drowned in the sea for Christ.
In the diocese of Bourges, St. Laurian,
bishop of Seville and martyr, whose head was taken
to Seville, in Spain.
At Sirmium, Saints Innocent and Sebastia,
with thirty other martyrs.
At Madaurus, in Africa, the martyr
Namphanion and his companions, whom he strengthened
for the combat and led to the crown of martyrdom.
At Gyrene, in Lybia, the holy bishop
Theodore. In the persecution of Diocletian, under
the governor Dignian, he was scourged with leaded whips,
and had his tongue cut out. Finally, however, he died a
The same day, the birthday of the
Saints Flavian II, bishop of Antioch, and Elias, bishop
of Jerusalem, who were driven into exile by the emperor
Anastasius, in defense of the Council of Chalcedon, and
went victoriously to God.
At Augsburg, in Bavaria, St. Uldaric,
a bishop illustrious for extraordinary abstinence,
liberality, vigilance, and the gift of miracles.
At Lisbon, St. Elizabeth, widow, queen
of Portugal, whose festival is celebrated on the
8th of this month, by order of Innocent XII.
At Tours, the translation of St. Martin,
bishop and confessor, and the Dedication of his Basilica,
which took place on the anniversary of his elevation to
the episcopate some years previous.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fifth Day of July
At Cremona, in Insubria, St. Anthony
Mary Zaccaria, confessor, founder of the Barnabites
and the Angelic Virgins. Distinguished for all the virtues
and for miracles, he was placed among the Saints by Leo
XIII. His body is venerated in the church of St. Barnabas,
at Milan.
At Rome, St. Zoe, martyr, wife of
the blessed martyr Nicostratus. Whilst praying at
the tomb of the Apostle St. Peter, during the time of Diocletian,
she was seized by the persecutors, and cast into a dark
dungeon; then being suspended on a tree by her neck and
hair, and suffocated by a loathsome smoke, she yielded up
her soul in the confession of the Lord.
In Syria, the birthday of St. Domitius,
martyr, who by his miracles confers many favors on
the people of that country.
At Cyrene, in Libya, St. Cyrilla,
a martyr, in the persecution of Diocletian. For a
long while she held on her hand burning coals with incense,
lest by shaking off the coals she should seem to offer incense
to the idols. She was afterwards cruelly scourged, and went
to her spouse adorned with her own blood.
At Jerusalem, St. Athanasius, a deacon,
who was apprehended by the heretics for defending the Council
of Chalcedon, and after experiencing all kinds of torments,
was put to the sword.
In Sicily, the holy martyrs Agatho
and Triphina.
At Tomis, in Scythia, the holy martyrs
Marinus, Theodotus, and Sedopha.
At Treves, St. Numerian, bishop and
St. Michael of the Saints,
whose death is mentioned on the 10th of April.
At San Severino, in the March of Ancona,
St. Philomena, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Sixth Day of July
The Octave of the holy Apostles Peter
and Paul.
In Judea, the holy prophet Isaias.
In the reign of king Manasses he was put to death by being
sawed in two and was buried beneath the oak Rogel, near
a running stream.
At Rome, the birthday of St. Tranquillinus,
martyr, father of the Saints Mark and Marcellian,
who were converted to Christ by the preaching of the martyr
St. Sebastian. Baptized by the blessed priest Polycarp,
he was ordained priest by Pope St. Caius. He was arrested
while praying at the tomb of blessed Paul on the Octave
of the Apostles, and stoned to death by the Pagans, and
thus consummated his martyrdom.
At Fiesoli, in Tuscany, St. Romulus,
bishop and martyr, disciple of the blessed Apostle
Peter, who commissioned him to preach the Gospel. After
announcing Christ in many parts of Italy, he returned to
Fiesoli, and was crowned with martyrdom with other Christians
in the reign of Domitian.
In Campania, St. Dominica, virgin
and martyr, in the time of the emperor Diocletian.
For having destroyed idols, she was condemned to the beasts,
but being uninjured by them, she was beheaded and departed
for Heaven. Her body is kept with great veneration at Tropea,
in Calabria.
The same day, St. Lucia, martyr,
a native of Campania. Being arrested and severely tortured
by the lieutenant-governor Rictiovarus, she converted him
to Christ. To them were added Antoninus,
Severinus, Diodorus, Dion, and seventeen others,
who shared their sufferings and their crowns.
In the vicinity of Treves, St. Goar,
priest and confessor.
At London in England, on Tower Hill,
St. Thomas More, chancellor
of the entire realm, who was beheaded by order of King Henry
VIII for the defense of the Catholic faith and the primacy
of blessed Peter.
At Nettuno in Lazio, St. Maria
Goretti, a most devout young girl, who was savagely
murdered for the defense of her virginity, and whom Pope
Pius XII solemnly added to the catalogue of holy martyrs.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Seventh Day of July
The holy bishops Cyril and Methodius,
who are mentioned on the 9th of March.
At Rome, the holy martyrs Claudius,
notary, Nicostratus, assistant prefect, Castorius, Victorinus,
and Symphorian, who were brought to the faith of
Christ by St. Sebastian, and baptized by the blessed priest
Polycarp. Whilst they were engaged in searching for the
bodies of the holy martyrs, the judge Fabian had them arrested,
and for ten days he tried by threats and caresses to shake
their constancy, but being utterly unable to succeed, he
ordered them to be thrice tortured, and then precipitated
into the sea.
At Durazzo, in Macedonia, the holy
martyrs Peregrinus, Lucian, Pompeius, Hesychius, Papius,
Saturninus, and Germanus, natives of Italy. In the
persecution of Trajan, they took refuge in the town of Durazzo,
where seeing the saintly bishop Astius
hanging on a cross for the faith of Christ, they publicly
declared themselves to be Christians, when, by order of
the governor, they were arrested and cast into the sea.
At Perugia, blessed Benedict XI,
a native of Treviso of the Order of Preachers, who in the
brief space of his pontificate, greatly promoted the peace
of the Church, the restoration of discipline and the spread
of religion.
At Alexandria, the birthday of St.
Pantaenus, an apostolic man, filled with wisdom.
He had such an affection and love for the word of God, and
was so inflamed with the ardor of faith and devotion, that
he set out to preach the gospel of Christ to the Gentiles
inhabiting the farthest recesses of the East. At length
returning to Alexandria, he rested in peace, under Antoninus
At Brescia, St. Apollonius, bishop
and confessor.
In Saxony, St. Willibald, first
bishop of Eichstadt,
son of St. Richard, king of England, and brother of St.
Walburga, virgin, who labored with St. Boniface in preaching
the Gospel, and converted many nations to Christ.
At Clermont, in Auvergne, St. Illidius,
At Urgel, in Spain, St. Odo, bishop.
In England, St. Hedda, bishop
of the West-Saxons.
At Gray, in Burgundy, blessed Peter
Fourier, Canon Regular of the most holy Savior, renowned
for virtues and miracles.
In England, St. Edelburga, virgin,
daughter of an English king.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Eighth Day of July
St. Elizabeth, widow, queen of Portugal.
Being renowned for virtues and miracles, she was numbered
among the saints by Urban VIII.
In Asia Minor, the Saints Aquila and
his wife Priscilla, of whom mention is made in the
Acts of the Apostles.
At Porto, fifty holy soldiers, martyrs,
who were led to the faith by the martyrdom of St. Bonosa,
and baptized by the blessed Pope Felix. They were put to
death in the persecution of Aurelian.
In Palestine, in the reign of Diocletian,
St. Procopius, martyr, who
was brought from Scythopolis to Caesarea, and upon his first
resolute answer was beheaded by the judge Fabian.
At Constantinople, the holy Abrahamite
monks, who resisted the emperor Theophilus by defending
the worship of holy images, and suffered matryrdom.
At Wurtzburg, in Germany, St. Kilian,
bishop, who was commissioned by the Roman Pontiff
to preach the Gospel. After having converted many to Christ,
he was put to death with his companions,
Colman, a priest, and Totnan, a deacon.
At Rome, the blessed Eugenius II,
Pope. Having gained a great reputation for sanctity
and prudence in his government of the monastery of Saints
Vincent and Anastasius, he was raised to the Sovereign Pontificate
and ruled over the universal Church with much holiness.
Pope Pius IX approved and confirmed the veneration paid
to him.
At Treves, St. Auspicius, bishop and
At Spina Lamberti in Emília, Pope
St. Adrian III, famous for his zeal in reconciling
the Eastern to the Roman Church, and renowned for his miracles.
His body was taken to the monastery of Nonantola and buried
with honors in the Church of St. Sylvester.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Ninth Day of July
At Rome, in the place called the Drop-ever-falling, the
birthday of St. Zeno, and ten
thousand two hundred and three other martyrs.
At Gortyna, in Crete, in the persecution of Decius, under
the governor Lucius, St. Cyril, a
bishop, who was thrown into the flames without being
injured, though his bonds were burnt. The judge, struck
with awe at so great a miracle, set him at liberty, but
as the saint began again immediately to preach the faith
of Christ with zeal, he was beheaded.
In the town of Thora, on lake Velino, in Italy,
the martyrdom of the Saints Anatolia
and Audax, under the emperor Decius. Anatolia, a
virgin consecrated to Christ,
cured, through the whole province of Picenum (now Ancona.)
many persons laboring under various infirmities, and made
them believe in Christ. By order of the judge Fustinian,
she was condemned to various kinds of punishments. She was
cured of the sting of a serpent to which she had been exposed
; a miracle which converted Audax to the faith. Finally
she was transpierced with a sword, whilst her hands were
extended in prayer. Audax was committed to prison, and being
without delay sentenced to capital punishment, obtained
the crown of a martyr.
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Patermuthius,
Copres, and Alexander, who were put to death under
Julian the Apostate.
At Martula, St. Brixius, bishop.
Under the judge Marcian, after having suffered much for
the confession of our Lord, and converted to Christ a great
multitude of people, he rested in peace.
At Citta-di-Castello, St. Veronica
Giuliani, a Capuchin nun, abbess of the monastery
of that town. Born at Mercatelli, in the diocese of Urania,
she became illustrious by her great love for suffering and
other virtues, and by her Heavenly gifts. She was inscribed
among holy virgins by Pope Gregory XVI.
At Briel in Holland, the passion
of the nineteen martyrs of Gorcum. Of these,
nine priests and two lay brothers
were of the Order of Friars Minor,
four were secular priests, two Premonstratensians, one Canon
Regular of St. Augustine, and one Dominican. For
vindicating the authority of the Roman Church and the Real
Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, they endured various
insults and torments from the Calvinist heretics, and their
great suffering was ended by all of them being hanged. In
the year 1867, Pope Pius IX included them in the number
of holy martyrs.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Tenth Day of July
At Rome, the martyrdom of the seven
holy brothers, sons of the saintly martyr Felicitas, namely,
Januarius, Felix, Philip, Sylvanus, Alexander, Vitalis,
and Martial, in the time of the emperor Antoninus,
under Publius, prefect of the city. Januarius, after being
scourged with rods and detained in prison, died under the
blows inflicted with leaded whips. Felix and Philip were
scourged to death, Sylvanus was thrown headlong from an
eminence. Alexander, Vitalis, and Martial were condemned
to capital punishment.
Also, at Rome, in the persecution of Valerian and Gallienus,
the holy virgins and martyrs Rufina
and Secunda, sisters, who, after being subjected
to torments, the one having her head split open, the other
being decapitated, departed for Heaven. Their bodies are
kept with due honor in the Lateran Basilica, near the baptistery.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Januarius,
Marinus, Nabor, and Felix, who were beheaded.
At Nicopolis, in Armenia, the holy
martyrs Leontius, Mauritius, Daniel, and their companions,
who after being tortured in different manners, were finally
cast into the fire, and thus terminated their long martyrdom,
in the time of the emperor Licinius and the governor Lysias.
In Pisidia, the holy martyrs Bianor
and Silvanus, who merited an immortal crown by being
decapitated, after enduring most bitter torments for the
name of Christ.
At Iconium, St. Apollonius, martyr,
who consummated his glorious martyrdom by death on the cross.
At Ghent, St. Amelberga, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Eleventh Day of July
At Rome, the blessed Pius, Pope and
martyr, who was crowned with martyrdom in the persecution
of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.
At Nicopolis, in Armenia, the birthday of
the holy martyrs Januarius and Pelagia,
who for four days were racked, torn with iron claws and
pieces of earthenware, and thus achieved their martyrdom.
In the territory of Sens, St. Sidronius,
At Iconium, St. Marcian, martyr,
who obtained the palm of martyrdom by many torments, under
the governor Perennius.
At Sida, in Pamphylia, St. Cindeus,
priest, in the time of the emperor Diocletian and
the governor Stratonicus. After suffering many torments,
he was thrown into the fire, but remaining uninjured, he
yielded up his soul in prayer.
At Brescia, the holy martyrs Savinus
and Cyprian.
At Bergamo, St. John, a bishop, martyr,
who was killed by the Arians for defending the Catholic
At Cordova, St. Abundius, a priest,
crowned with martyrdom whilst
preaching against the sect of Mahomet.
In the territory of Poitiers, St.
Sabinus, confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twelfth Day of July
In the monastery of Passignano, near Florence,
the abbot St. John Gualbert,
founder of the Vallumbrosan Order.
At Milan, the holy martyrs Nabor and
Felix, who suffered in the persecution of Maximian.
In Cyprus, St. Jason, one of
the first disciples of Christ.
At Aquileia, the birthday of St. Hermagoras,
disciple of the blessed evangelist Mark, and first bishop
of that city. Whilst occupied in performing miraculous cures,
in preaching frequently and bringing souls to repentance,
he suffered many kinds of torments, and finally by capital
punishment, merited an immortal triumph
with his deacon Fortunatus.
At Lucca, in Tuscany, blessed Paulinus,
who was consecrated first bishop of that city by St. Peter.
Under Nero, after many combats, he terminated his
martyrdom with some companions,
at the foot of Mount Pisa.
The same day, the Saints Proclus and
Hilarion, who won the palm of
martyrdom after most bitter
torments, in the time of the emperor Trajan and the governor
At Lentini, St. Epiphana, who,
after having her breasts cut off, died in the time of the
emperor Diocletian and the governor Tertillus.
At Toledo, St. Marciana, virgin and
martyr. For the faith of Christ, she was exposed
to the beasts, torn to pieces by a bull, and was thus crowned
with martyrdom.
At Lyons, St. Viventiolus, bishop.
At Bologna, St. Paternian, bishop.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Thirteenth Day of July
At Rome,
St. Anacletus,
Pope and martyr, who governed the Church of God after
St. Clement, and shed luster on it by a glorious martyrdom.
The same day, the holy prophets Joel
and Esdras.
In Macedonia, blessed Silas,
one of the first Christians. By the Apostles he was destined
for the churches of the Gentiles with Paul and Barnabas.
Filled with the grace of God, he zealously discharged the
office of preaching, and after glorifying Christ by his
sufferings, rested in peace.
Also, St. Serapion, martyr,
who obtained the crown of martyrdom by fire, in the time
of the emperor Severus and the governor Aquila.
In the island of Chio, in the time of the emperor Decius
and the governor Numerian, the martyr
St. Myrops. Being clubbed to death, he went to our
In Africa, the holy confessors Eugenius,
the faithful and virtuous bishop of Carthage, and all the
clergy of that church, to the
number of about five hundred or more, among whom were many
small children employed as lectors. In the persecution
of the Vandals, under the Arian king Hunneric, they were
subjected to scourging and starvation, and driven into a
most painful banishment, which they bore with joy for God's
sake. In their number were also two distinguished personages,
the archdeacon Salutaris, and Muritta,
occupying the second rank among the ministers of the church.
Both had three times confessed the faith, and were illustrious
by their sturdy perseverance in Christianity.
In Bretagne, St. Turian, bishop and
confessor, a man of admirable simplicity and innocence.
At Bamberg, the birthday of the
Roman emperor St. Henry I, confessor. He led a life
of perpetual virginity with his wife
St. Cunegunde, and converted St. Stephen, king of
Hungary, and almost all his people to the faith of Christ.
His festival is celebrated on the 15th of July.
In Brittany, St. Turian, bishop
and confessor, a man of admirable simplicity and
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fourteenth Day of July
At Lyons, the demise of St. Bonaventure,
Cardinal and bishop of Albano, confessor and doctor
of the Order of Friars Minor, most celebrated for his learning
and holiness of life.
At Rome, St. Justus, soldier
under the tribune Claudius. A miraculous cross appearing
to him, he believed in Christ, was baptized, and bestowed
his goods on the poor. Arrested afterwards by the prefect
Magnetius, he was scourged, had a heated helmet put on his
head, and was thrown into the fire, but without injury even
to a hair of his head, Finally, he yielded up his soul in
the confession of the Lord.
At Sinope, in Pontus, the martyr St.
Phocas, bishop of that city. Under the emperor Trajan,
after having been imprisoned, bound, struck with the sword
and exposed to the fire for Christ, he took his flight to
Heaven. His remains were brought to Vienne, in France, and
deposited in the Church of the Holy Apostles.
At Alexandria, St. Heraclas, bishop,
whose fame was so great that the historian Africanus repaired
to Alexandria to see him, as he himself testifies.
At Carthage, St. Cyrus, bishop,
on whose festival St. Augustine spoke of him to his people.
At Como, St. Felix, first
bishop of that city. At Brescia,
St. Optatian, bishop.
At Daventry, in Belgium, St. Marcellin,
priest and confessor.
At Rome, St. Camillus de Lellis, confessor,
founder of the Clerks Regular who minister to the sick.
Renowned for virtues and miracles, he was numbered among
the saints by the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV.
At Lima in Peru, St. Francis Solano,
a priest and confessor of the Order of Friars Minor.
He passed to the Lord in the West Indies, renowned for his
preaching, miracles and virtues. Pope Benedict XIII placed
him on the canon of the saints.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Fifteenth Day of July
At Bamberg, St. Henry II, emperor,
who kept perpetual chastity with his
wife Cunegunde, and induced St. Stephen, king of
Hungary, with nearly all his kingdom, to receive the faith
of Christ.
At Porto, the birthday of the holy
martyrs Eutropius, and the sisters Zosima and Bonosa.
At Carthage, blessed Catulinus, deacon,
whose glories were proclaimed by St. Augustine in a sermon
to his people, and the Saints Januarius,
Florentius, Julia and Justa, martyrs, who were entombed
in the church of St. Faustus.
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Philip,
Zeno, Narseus, and ten children.
In the island of Tenedos, St. Abudemius,
a martyr, who suffered under Diocletian.
At Sebaste, St. Antiochus, a physician,
who was decapitated under the governor Adrian. On seeing
milk flowing from his wounds instead of blood,
Cyriaeus, his executioner,
was converted to Christ and endured
At Pavia, St. Felix, bishop and martyr.
At Nisibis, the birthday of St.
James, bishop of that city, a man celebrated for
great holiness, miracles and erudition. He was one of those
who confessed the faith during the persecution of Galerius
Maximian, and afterwards, in the Council of Nicea, condemned
the perverse heresy of Arius, by opposing to it the doctrine
of consubstantiality. It was also owing to his prayers,
and those of bishop Alexander, that Arius received at Constantinople
the condign punishment of his iniquity, the extravasation
of his intestines.
At Naples, in Campania, St. Athanasius,
bishop of that city, who suffered much from his wicked
nephew Sergius, by whom he was driven from his see. Consumed
with afflictions, he departed for Heaven at Veroli, in the
time of Charles the Bald.
At Palermo, the finding of the
body of St. Rosalia, virgin of Palermo. Being miraculously
discovered in the time of the Sovereign Pontiff, Urban VIII,
it delivered Sicily from the plague in the year of the Jubilee.
At Campo in Italy, the birthday of
St. Pompilio Maria Pirrotti of St.
Nicholas, confessor, a member of the Congregation
of Poor Clerks Regular of Pious Schools of the Mother of
God, who spent his entire life in safeguarding the salvation
of souls. He was registered among the saints by Pope Pius
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Sixteenth Day of July
The festival of the Blessed Virgin
Mary of Mount Carmel.
The same day, the birthday of St.
Faustus, a martyr, under Decius. He lived five days
fastened on a cross, and being then pierced with arrows,
he went to Heaven.
At Sebaste, in Armenia, the holy martyrs
Athenogenes, bishop, and ten of his disciples, in
the time of the emperor Diocletian.
At Antioch, in Syria, the birthday of
blessed Eustathius, bishop and confessor,
celebrated for learning and sanctity. Under the Arian emperor
Constantius, for the defense of the Catholic faith, he was
banished to Trajanopolis, in Thracia, where he rested in
the Lord.
The same day, St. Hilarinus, monk,
who was arrested with St. Donatus
in the persecution of Julian. As he would not sacrifice
to idols, he was beaten with rods, and died a martyr at
Arezzo, in Tuscany. His body was translated to Ostia.
At Treves, St. Valentine, bishop and
At Cordova, in Spain, St. Sisenandus,
deacon and martyr, who was strangled by the Saracens
for the faith of Christ.
At Saintes, in France, the holy martyrs
Raineldes, virgin, and her companions, who were massacred
by barbarians for the Christian faith.
At Bergamo, St. Domnio, martyr.
At Capua, St. Vitalian, bishop and
At the abbey of our Most Holy Redeemer, in the diocese
of Coutances in France, St. Mary Magdalene
Postel, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy of the
Christian Schools, who was added to the list of the holy
virgins by Pope Pius XI.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Seventeenth Day of July
At Rome, St. Alexius, confessor,
son of the senator Euphemian. Leaving his spouse untouched
the night of his marriage, he withdrew from his house, and
after a long pilgrimage returned to Rome, where he was for
seventeen years harbored in his father's house as an unknown
beggar, thus deluding the world by a new device. But after
his death, becoming known through a voice heard in the churches
of the city, and by his own writing, he was, under the Sovereign
Pontiff, Innocent I, translated to the church of St. Boniface,
where he wrought many miracles.
At Carthage, the birthday of the holy
Scillitan martyrs Speratus, Narzales, Cythinus, Veturius,
Felix, Acyllinus, Laetantius, Januaria, Generosa, Vestina,
Donata, and Secunda. By order of the prefect Saturninus,
after their first confession of the faith, they were sent
to prison, nailed to pieces of wood, and finally beheaded.
The relics of Speratus, with the bones of blessed Cyprian
and the head of the martyr St. Pantaleon, were carried from
Africa into France, and religiously placed in the basilica
of St. John the Baptist at Lyons.
At Amastris, in Paphlagonia, St. Hyacinth,
martyr, who died in prison after much suffering,
under the prefect Castritius.
At Tivoli, St. Generosus, martyr.
At Constantinople, St. Theodota, martyr,
under the Iconoclast Leo.
At Rome, the demise of Pope St. Leo
At Pavia, St. Ennodius, bishop and
At Auxerre, St. Theodosius, bishop.
At Milan, the virgin St. Marcellina,
sister of the blessed bishop Ambrose, who received
the religious veil from Pope Liberius in the basilica of
St. Peter at Rome. Her sanctity is attested by St. Ambrose
in his writings.
At Venice, the translation of St.
Marina, virgin.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Eighteenth Day of July
The feast of St. Camillus de Lellis,
confessor, founder of the Clerks Regular ministering
to the sick, whose birthday is the 14th of July. Leo XIII
declared him Celestial Patron of hospitals and the infirm.
At Tivoli, in the time of the emperor Adrian,
St. Symphorosa, wife of the martyr
St. Getulius, with her seven sons, Crescens, Julian, Nemesius,
Primitivus, Justinus, Stacteus, and Eugenius. Their
mother, because of her invincible constancy, was first buffeted
a long time, then suspended by her hair, and lastly thrown
into the river with a stone tied to her body. Her sons had
their limbs distended by pulleys and bound to stakes, and
terminated their martyrdom by different kinds of death.
The bodies were subsequently taken to Rome, and were found
in the sacristy of St. Angelo in Piscina,under the Sovereign
Pontiff, Pius IV.
At Carthage, St. Gundenes, virgin.
By order of the proconsul Rufinus, she was four different
times stretched on the rack for the faith of Christ, horribly
lacerated with iron hooks, confined for a long time in a
filthy dungeon, and finally put to the sword.
At Dorostorum, in Mysia, in the time of Julian the Apostate
and the governor Capitolinus, St.
Aemilian, martyr, who was cast into a furnace, and
thus received the palm of martyrdom.
At Utrecht, St. Frederick, bishop
and martyr.
In Spanish Galicia, St. Marina, virgin
and martyr.
At Milan, in the reign of Maximian,
the holy bishop Maternus. For
the faith of Christ and the Church entrusted to him, he
was thrown into prison and often scourged. Finally he went
to his rest in the Lord with a great renown for his repeated
confession of the faith.
At Brescia, the birthday of St. Philastrius,
bishop of that city, who in speech and writing combated
heretics, especially the Arians, from whom he suffered much.
Finally, he died in peace, renowned for miracles.
At Metz, in France, St. Arnulf, a
bishop illustrious for holiness and the gift of miracles.
He chose an eremitical life, and ended his blessed career
in peace.
At Segni, St. Bruno, bishop and confessor.
At Forlimpopoli, in Aemilia, St. Ruffillus,
bishop of that city.
At Silistria in Bulgaria, St. Emilian,
martyr, who was cast into a furnace, in the time
of Julian the Apostate, under the governor Capitolinus,
and received the palm of martyrdom.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Nineteenth Day of July
St. Vincent de Paul, confessor,
who slept in the Lord on the 27th of September. Leo XIII
declared him Heavenly patron before the throne of God of
all charitable organizations throughout the Catholic world
owing in any manner their origin to him.
The same day, the birthday of St.
Epaphras, whom the Apostle St. Paul calls his fellow-prisoner.
By the same Apostle he was consecrated bishop of Colossae,
where becoming renowned for his virtues, he received the
palm of martyrdom for defending
courageously the flock committed to his charge. His body
lies at Rome in the basilica of St. Mary the Greater.
At Seville, in Spain, the martyrdom of
the holy virgins Justa and Rufina.
Arrested by the governor Diogenian, they were stretched
on the rack and lacerated with iron claws, then imprisoned,
and subjected to starvation and various tortures. Lastly
Justa breathed her last in prison, and Rufina had her neck
broken while confessing Christ.
At Cordova, St. Aurea, virgin,
who repented of a fault she had committed, and in a second
combat overcame the enemy by the shedding of her blood.
At Treves, St. Martin, bishop and
At Rome, Pope St. Symmachus,
who for a long time had much to bear from a faction of schismatics.
At last, distinguished by holiness, he went to God.
At Verona, St. Felix, bishop.
At Scete, a mountain in Egypt, St.
Arsenius, a deacon of
the Roman church. In the time of Theodosius, he retired
into a wilderness, where, endowed with every virtue and
shedding continual tears, he yielded his soul to God.
In Cappadocia, the holy virgin Marcina,
sister of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory of Nyssa.
At Cordova in Spain, St. Aura,
virgin, the sister of the holy martyrs Adulphus and
John. A Mohammedan judge had persuaded her to apostatize
for a while, but quickly repenting of what she had done,
in the second trial overcame the enemy by the shedding of
her blood.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twentieth Day of July
The festival of St. Jerome Aemiliani,
confessor, founder of the Congergation of Somascha.
Gaining renown for many miracles during his life and after
his death, he was inscribed among the beatified by Benedict
XIV, and canonized by Clement XIII.
At Antioch, St. Margaret, virgin and
On Mount Carmel, the holy prophet
The same day, the birthday of blessed
Joseph, surnamed the Just, whom the Apostles selected
with blessed Matthias for the Apostleship, in the place
of the traitor Judas. The lot having fallen upon Matthias,
Joseph, notwithstanding, continued to preach and to advance
in virtue, and after having sustained from the Jews many
persecutions for the faith of Christ, happily ended his
life in Judea. It is related of him that having drunk poison,
he received no injury from it, because of his confidence
in the Lord.
At Damascus, the holy martyrs Sabinus,
Julian, Maximus, Macrobius, Cassia, and Paula, with ten
At Cordova, St. Paul, deacon and martyr.
For rebuking Muslim princes for their impiety and cruelty,
and preaching Christ courageously, he was put to death,
and went to his reward in Heaven.
In Portugal, St. Wilgefortes, virgin
and martyr, who merited the crown of martyrdom on
a cross in defense of the faith and her chastity.
At Boulogne, in France, the abbot
St. Wulmar, a man of admirable sanctity.
At Treves, St. Severa, virgin.
The same day, the birthday of St.
Flavian II, bishop of Antioch, and St. Elias, bishop of
Jerusalem. They were driven into exile by Emperor
Anastasius for their defense of the Council of Chalcedon,
and there they went victoriously to the Lord.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-First Day of July
At Rome, the holy virgin Praxedes,
who was brought up in all chastity and in the knowledge
of the divine law. Assiduously attending to watching, prayer
and fasting, she rested in Christ, and was buried near her
sister Pudentiana, on the Salarian road.
At Babylon, the holy prophet Daniel.
At Marseilles, the birthday of St.
Victor, a soldier. Because he refused to serve in
the army and sacrifice to idols, he was thrust into prison,
where he was visited by an angel, then subjected to various
torments, and finally being crushed under a millstone, he
ended his martyrdom. With him also
suffered three soldiers, Alexander, Felician, and Longinus.
At Troyes, St. Julia, virgin and martyr.
In the same place, the martyrdom of the saints Claudius,
Justus, Jucundinus, and five companions, in the time of
the emperor Aurelian.
At Comana, in Armenia, the holy bishop
and martyr Zoticus, who was crowned under Severus.
At Strasburg, St. Arbogastus, a bishop,
renowned for miracles.
In Syria, the holy monk John,
a companion of St. Simeon.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Second Day of July
At Marseilles, the birthday of St.
Mary Magdalen, out of whom our Lord expelled seven
demons, and who deserved to be the first to see the Savior
after He had risen from the dead.
At Philippi, St. Syntyches,
mentioned by the blessed Apostle Paul.
At Ancyra, in Galatia, the birthday of the martyr
St. Plato. Under the lieutenant-governor
Agrippinus, he was scourged, lacerated with iron hooks,
and subjected to other most atrocious torments, and finally
being beheaded, he rendered his invincible soul to God.
The miracles he wrougth in assisting the captives are attested
in the Acts of the second Council of Nicaea.
In Cyprus, St. Theophilus, a praetor,
who was apprehended by the Arabs, and as he could not be
induced either by presents or threats to deny Christ, was
put to the sword.
At Antioch, the holy bishop Cyril,
who was distinguished for learning and holiness.
In the territory of Auvergne, St.
Meneleus, abbot.
In the monastery of Blandine, the
abbot St. Wandrille, celebrated for miracles.
At Scythopolis, in Palestine, St.
Joseph, a count.
At Lisbon, St. Lawrence of Brindisi,
confessor, superior general of the Capuchin Friars
Minor of St. Francis. Illustrious by his preaching and his
arduous labor for the glory of God, he was canonized by
Leo XIII, who appointed the 7th of July for his feast day.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Third Day of July
The birthday of the holy bishop Apollinaris,
who was consecrated at Rome by the Apostle Peter, and sent
to Ravenna, where he endured for the faith of Christ many
different tribulations. He afterwards preached the Gospel
in Aemilia, where he converted many from the worship of
idols. Finally, returning to Ravenna, he terminated his
confession of Christ by a glorious martyrdom under the Caesar
At Le Mans, in France, St. Liborius,
bishop and confessor.
At Rome, St. Rasyphus, martyr.
In the same city, the martyrdom of
St. Primitiva, virgin and martyr.
Also, the holy martyrs Apollonius
and Eugenius.
The same day, the birthday of the
holy martyrs Trophimus and Theophilus, who received
their crown of martyrdom by being beaten with stones, scorched
with fire, and finally struck with the sword, in the time
of the emperor Diocletian.
In Bulgaria, many holy martyrs
whom the impious emperor Nicephorus, whilst he was devastating
the churches of God, put to death in various ways by the
sword, the halter, arrows, long imprisonment, and starvation.
At Rome, the saintly virgins Romula,
Redempta, and Herundines, mentioned by Pope St. Gregory
in his writings.
In the same city, the departure from this life of
St. Bridget, widow, whose sacred
body was taken to Sweden on the 7th of October. Her feast
is celebrated on the 8th of that month.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Fourth Day of July
The vigil of St. James, Apostle.
At Tyro, in Tuscany, on lake Bolsena,
St. Christina, virgin and martyr.
Believing in Christ, and breaking up her father's gold and
silver idols to give them to the poor, she was cruelly scourged
by his command, subjected to other most severe torments,
and thrown with a heavy stone into the lake, from which
she was drawn out by an angel. Then under another judge,
who succeeded her father, she bore courageously still more
bitter tortures. Finally, after she had been shut up by
the governor Julian in a burning furnace for five days without
any injury, and after being cured of the sting of serpents,
she ended her martyrdom by having her tongue cut out, and
being pierced with arrows.
At Rome, on the Tiburtine road, St.
Vincent, martyr.
At Amiterno, in Abruzzo, the martyrdom
of eighty-three holy soldiers.
At Merida, in Spain, St. Victor, a
military man, who, with his two brothers, Stercatius and
Antinogenes, by various torments consummated his
martyrdom in the persecution of Diocletian.
In Lycia, the holy matryrs Niceta
and Aquilina, who were converted to Christ by the
preaching of the blessed martyr Christopher, and gained
the palm of martyrdom by being decapitated.
Also, the holy martyrs Meneus and
At Sens, St. Ursicinus, bishop
and confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Fifth Day of July
St. James the Apostle, brother of
the blessed evangelist John, who was beheaded by
Herod Agrippa about the feast of Easter. His sacred bones
were on this day carried from Jerusalem to Spain, and placed
in the remote province of Galicia, where they are devoutly
honored by the far-famed piety of the inhabitants, and the
frequent concourse of Christians, who visit them through
piety and in fulfillment of their vows.
In Lycia, in the time of Decius, St.
Christopher, martyr. Being scourged with iron rods,
cast into the flames, from which he was saved by the power
of Christ, and finally transfixed with arrows and beheaded,
he completed his martyrdom.
At Barcelona, in Spain, during the persecution of Diocletian
and under the governor Dacian, the birthday of
the holy martyr Cucuphas. After
overcoming many torments, he was struck with the sword,
and thus went triumphantly to Heaven.
In Palestine, St. Paul, a martyr,
in the persecution of Maximian Galerius, and under the governor
Firmilian. He was condemned to capital punishment, but having
obtained a short respite to pray, he besought God with all
his heart, first for his own countrymen, then for the Jews
and the Gentiles, that they might embrace the true faith,
next for the multitude of the spectators, and finally for
the judge who had condemned him and the executioner that
was to strike him; after which he received the crown of
martyrdom by being beheaded.
In the same country, St. Valentina,
a virgin, who was led to an altar to offer sacrifice,
but overturning it with her foot, she was cruelly tortured,
and being cast into the fire with another virgin, her companion,
she went to her spouse.
At Forcono, in Abruzzo, the holy martyrs
Florentius and Felix, natives of Sipontum.
At Cordova, St. Theodemirus, monk
and martyr.
At Treves, St. Magnericus, bishop
and confessor.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Sixth Day of July
The departure out of this life of
St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
At Philippi, in Macedonia, the birthday of
St. Erastus, who was appointed
bishop of that place by the blessed Apostle Paul, and there
crowned with martyrdom.
At Rome, on the Latin road, the holy
martyrs Symphronius, Olympius, Theodulus, and Exuperia,
who (as we read in the Acts of Pope St. Stephen) were burnt
alive, and thus obtained the palm of martyrdom.
At Porto, St. Hyacinth, martyr,
who was first thrown into the fire, and then precipitated
into a stream without being injured. Afterwards, under the
emperor Trajan, being struck with the sword by the ex-consul
Leontius, he terminated his life. His body was buried by
the matron Julia, on her own estate near Rome.
Also, at Borne, St. Pastor, priest.
His name is used to designate a cardinal's title in the
church of St. Pudentiana, on the Viminal hill.
At Verona, St. Valens, bishop and
In the monastery of St. Benedict, near Mantua,
St. Simeon, monk and hermit,
who was renowned for many miracles, and at an advanced age
rested in the Lord.
At Lovere, in the diocese of Brescia,
St. Bartholemea Capitanio, virgin,
who founded the Sisters of Charity, dedicated to teaching
the young. Pope Pius XII added her name to the catalogue
of holy virgins.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Seventh Day of July
At Nicomedia, the martyrdom of St.
Pantaleon, a physician. For the faith of Christ he
was apprehended by the emperor Maximian, subjected to the
torture and burned with torches, during which torments he
was comforted by an apparition of our Lord. He ended his
martyrdom by a stroke of the
In the same city, St. Hermolaus, priest,
by whose instructions blessed Pantaleon was converted to
the faith.
Also, the Saints Hermippus and Hermocrates,
brothers. After many sufferings borne for the confession
of Christ, they were condemned to capital punishment by
the same Maximian.
At Nola, the holy martyrs Felix, Julia
and Jucunda.
At Biseglia, in Apulia, the holy martyrs
Maurus, bishop, Pantaleemon, and Sergius, who suffered
under Trajan.
At Rome, Pope St. Celestine I,
who had condemned Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, and
put Pelagius to flight. By his command the holy universal
Council of Ephesus was also held against the same Nestorius.
In the country of the Homerites (Arabia),
the commemoration of the holy martyrs, who were delivered
to the flames for faith of Christ, under the tyrant Dunaan.
At Cordova, in Spain, during the persecution of the Arabs,
the holy martyrs George, deacon, Felix,
Aurelius, Natalia, and Liliosa.
At Ephesus, the birthday of the seven
holy sleepers, Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Denis, John,
Serapion, and Constantine.
At Auxerre, the demise of blessed
Aetherius, bishop and confessor.
At Constantinople, blessed Anthusa,
a virgin. Under Constantine Copronymus, after being
scourged and banished, she rested in the Lord.
At Cordova in Spain, during the Arab persecution,
the holy martyrs George, a deacon,
Aurelius and his wife Natalia, Felix and his wife Liliosa.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Eighth Day of July
At Rome, the martyrdom of St. Victor,
Pope and martyr.
Also, at Home, St. Innocent, Pope
and confessor.
At Milan, the birthday of the holy
martyrs Nazarius and a boy named Celsus. While the
persecution excited by Nero was raging, they were beheaded
by Anolinus, after long sufferings and afflictions endured
in prison.
In Thebais, in Egypt, the commemoration
of many holy martyrs who suffered in the persecution
of Decius and Valerian. At this time, when Christians sought
death by the sword for the name of Christ, the crafty enemy
devised certain slow torments to put them to death, wishing
much more to kill their souls rather than their bodies.
One of these Christians, after suffering the torture of
the rack, of hot metal plates and of seething oil, was smeared
with honey and exposed, in the broiling heat of the sun,
with his hands tied behind him, to the stings of wasps and
flies. Another was bound and laid among flowers, when a
shameless woman approached him with the intention of exciting
his passions, but he bit off his tongue and spat it in her
At Ancyra, in Galatia, the holy martyr
Eustathius. After various torments, he was plunged
into a river, but being delivered by an angel, was finally
called to his reward by a dove coming from Heaven.
At Miletus, in the time of the emperor Licinius,
the holy martyr Acatius, who
completed his martyrdom by having his head struck off, after
having undergone different torments and been thrown into
a furnace, from which he came out uninjured through the
assistance of God.
In Bretagne, St. Sampson, bishop and
At Lyons, St. Peregrinus, priest,
whose happiness in Heaven is attested by glorious miracles.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Twenty-Ninth Day of July
At Tarascon, in France, St. Martha,
virgin, the hostess of our Savior, and sister of
blessed Mary Magdalen and St. Lazarus.
At Rome, on the Aurelian road, St.
Felix II, Pope and martyr. Being expelled from his
See by the Arian emperor Constantius for defending the Catholic
faith, and being put to the sword privately at Cera, in
Tuscany, he died gloriously. His body was taken away from
that place by clerics, and buried on the Aurelian road.
It was afterwards brought to the Church of the Saints Cosmas
and Damian, where, under the Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory
XIII, it was found beneath the altar with the relics of
the holy martyrs Mark, Marcellian,
and Tranquillinus, and with these was put back in
the same place on the 31st of July. In the same altar were
also found the bodies of the holy
martyrs Abundius, priest, and Abundantius, deacon,
which were shortly after solemnly transferred to the Church
of the Society of Jesus, on the eve of their festival.
Also at Rome, on the road to Porto,
the holy martyrs Simplicius, Faustinus,
and Beatrix, in the time of the emperor Diocletian.
The first two, after being subjected to many different torments,
were condemned to suffer capital punishment; Beatrix, their
sister, was smothered in prison.
Again, at Rome, the holy martyrs Lucilla
and Flora, virgins, Eugenius, Antoninus, Theodore, and eighteen
companions, who underwent martyrdom in the reign
of the emperor Gallienus.
At Gangra, in Paphlagonia, St. Callinicus,
martyr, who was scourged with iron rods, and given
over to other torments. Being finally cast into a furnace,
he gave up his soul to God.
In Norway, St. Olaf, king and martyr.
At Troyes, in France, St. Lupus, bishop
and confessor, who went with blessed Germanus to
England to combat the Pelagian heresy, and by assiduous
prayer defended the city of Troyes from the furor of Attila,
who was devastating all France. At length, having religiously
discharged the functions of the priesthood for fifty-two
years, he rested in peace.
At St. Brieuc, St. William, bishop
and confessor.
Also, the demise of blessed Prosper,
bishop of Orleans.
At Todi, St. Faustinus, confessor.
At Mumia, St. Seraphina.
Again at Rome, St. Serapia, virgin.
Under Emperor Hadrian, she was delivered to two lustful
young men, and as she could not be corrupted, nor afterwards
burned with lighted torches, she was beaten with rods, and
finally beheaded by order of the judge Derillus. She was
buried by blessed Sabina in her own tomb, near the field
of Vindician. But the commemoration of her martyrdom is
celebrated more solemnly on the 3rd of September, when their
common tomb was finished and adorned, and dedicated as a
place of prayer
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Thirtieth Day of July
At Rome, in the reign of Decius, the
holy Persian martyrs Abdon and Sennen, who were bound
with chains, brought to Rome, scourged with leaded whips
for the faith of Christ, and then put to the sword.
At Tuberbum Lucernarium, in Africa,
the holy virgins and martyrs Maxima,
Donatilla, and Secunda. The first two, in the persecution
of Valerian and Gallienus, were forced to drink vinegar
and gall, then scourged most severely, and stretched on
the rack, burned on the gridiron, rubbed over with lime,
afterwards exposed to the beasts with
the virgin Secunda, twelve years old,
but being untouched by them, they were finally beheaded.
At Assisi, in Umbria, St. Rufinus,
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, St. Julitta,
martyr. As she sought to recover through the courts
the restitution of goods seized by an influential personage,
the latter objected that, being a Christian, her cause could
not be pleaded. The judge commanded her to offer sacrifice
to the idols, that she might be heard. With great firmness,
she refused, and being thrown into the fire, yielded her
spirit to God, though her body remained uninjured by the
flames. St. Basil the Great has proclaimed her praise in
an excellent eulogy.
At Auxerre, St. Ursus, bishop and
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.

This Day, the Thirty-First Day of July
At Rome, the birthday of St. Ignatius,
confessor, founder of the Society of Jesus, renowned
for sanctity and miracles, and most zealous for propagating
the Catholic religion in all parts of the world. At Caesarea,
the martyrdom of the blessed martyr Fabius. As he refused
to carry the ensign of the governor of the province, he
was thrown into prison for some days, and as he persisted
twice in confessing Christ when brought before the judge,
he was condemned to capital punishment.
At Milan, during the persecution of Antoninus,
St. Calimerius, bishop and martyr,
who was arrested, covered with wounds, and pierced through
the neck with a sword. He terminated his martyrdom by being
precipitated into a well.
At Synnada, in Phrygia, the holy martyrs
Democritus, Secundus and Denis.
In Syria, three hundred and fifty
monks, who became martyrs by being slain by the heretics
for defending the Council of Chalcedon.
At Ravenna, the departure from this world of St.
Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, a man most renowned
for his birth, faith, learning, and glorious miracles, who
freed England completely from the heretical doctrines of
the Pelagians.
At Tagaste, in Africa, St. Firmus,
bishop, illustrious by a glorious confession of the
At Siena, in Tuscany, the birthday of
blessed John Colombini, founder
of the Order of the Jesuati, renowned for sanctity
and miracles.
At Caesarea in Mauretania, the
martyrdom of the blessed martyr Fabius. Because he
refused to carry the banners of the governor of the province,
he was thrown into prison for some days, and as he persisted
twice in confessing Christ when brought before the judge,
he was condemned to death.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs,
confessors, and holy virgins.
Omnes sancti Mártyres,
oráte pro nobis. (“All
ye Holy Martyrs, pray for us,” from the Litaniae Sanctorum, the Litany
of the Saints)
Response: Thanks be to God.
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Totally Faithful to the
Sacred Deposit of Faith entrusted to
the Holy See in Rome
opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti
verbum Meum, nec non negasti Nomen Meum”
know your works ... that you have but little power,
and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied
My Name.”
(Apocalypse 3.8)
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