What are we to Make of Francis and Friends?

has the audacity to contradict Holy Scripture
— which is the
Word of God Himself …
by effectively abrogating the 6th of the 10 Commandments:
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” (
...“except in certain circumstances ...”)
He has mandated a “correction” of the
Lord’s Prayer itself — which is the only formulated
prayer given by Jesus Christ to His Apostles and followers in the
entire New Testament — to accord with prevailing pastoral sensitivity
and theological clarity from a “stylistic viewpoint” —
although Francis knows nothing of Greek.
He surrounds himself with cardinals, bishops, priests, and influential
people sympathetic to the loathsome perversion of homosexuality
which he does not feel competent to morally assess despite clear
Old Testament and Pauline condemnations — although as pope, he is
the teacher preeminent of Catholic morality which explicitly condemns
He bows before and kisses the feet of politicians, but will
rarely accord Jesus Christ the same adulation in the Most Holy Sacrament
of the Altar — where He is really and truly present.
He is a strident and outspoken advocate of Environmentalism
but rarely speaks out against Abortion. Children in the wombs
of mothers who wish to murder them find no refuge in the Vicar of
Jesus Christ on Earth, who is apparently too busy defending fish
and non-human mammals against plastic bags.
He finds the “wisdom of Amazonian
elders” of greater depth and perspicacity than God and His prophets
— oh, yes, and “wiser” than Christ Himself (Who is God and man).
He envisions a restructured humanity that will “benefit” from a
utopian “return” to the simplistic “natural” lifestyle of indigenous
Amazon aborigines — as distinct from “the extractive monsters of
modern technology, medicine, and science.” That such a
“return to nature” (rather than a turning to God — which what
Francis should be doing as pope) entails accepting malaria, equine
encephalitis, yellow fever, dengue, oropouche, leprosy, viral hepatitis
parasitic tegumentary leishmaniasis (a parasitic protozoan), cholera,
diphtheria, Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpes virus disease,1
deformity, death, ignorance, and physical hardship — is of
little consequence given the mythical benefits of a “life attuned
to nature”. To squat in malarial mud is unquestionably superior
to crafting a chair which is an artificial construction involving
“extractive technologies such as crude wooden tools that themselves
were “extracted” from the very environment they manipulate …
Religion is of secondary or tertiary importance. We must
never foist Christianity or Jesus Christ on pagans who have their
own gods of nature. That is the now the forbidden practice of
“proselytism”; conversion, as a matter of course, is thus frowned
upon and discouraged as a form of western religious imperialism.
They have their own Shamans, after all, and Animism provides a plethora
of gods. Why preach the Gospel when “capitalistic western industrial
and agricultural extractivism” is the only perceptible evil? Heaven?
It is here ... in the “Amazonian Face” — from which we must learn.
He contemptuously ignores questions of the greatest import insisting
that he “will not say one word” about allegations against
him, and does not respond to pleas for clarity on Catholic doctrine
from bishops, theologians, scholars, and laymen. The Catholic doctrine
that “the First See (the pope) is judged by no-one” has been
used by Francis as both a screen and a cudgel — the ecclesiastical
equivalent of invoking the Fifth Amendment in U.S. Constitutional
Law. In other words, Francis tells those who politely and with great
humility ask questions of him,
“I don’t
wanna answer and you can’t make me.
I’m Francis — I’m the Pope — above
everyone and every law
except God Himself — and even there I make changes as I
see fit — and God had better damn well cooperate!
“I am Peter!”
The litany
is far too long and has been discussed ad nauseam to no avail.
Francis will do as he will, and change the Church, and perhaps extinguish
Catholicism, to accommodate his world and worldly view.
This, then,
is what we can make of Francis:
Francis well may be a madman
Francis may be possessed
Francis detests the Catholic Church
of 2000 years
Francis may be an atheist.
Do you laugh? His new “god of surprises”
may surprise you yet!
The Baying
of Wolves
Oh … yes … one more lesson: if it hasn't occurred
to you yet: Vatican II was a psychedelic farce and the Woodstock
“bishops” are still feeding psilocybin mushrooms to the few seminarians
Many Catholics know the Holy
Roman Catholic Church that existed for 2000 years, and understand
that is indispensible to salvation: they know it as the now-despised
Church before the blasphemous Council of Vatican II
— but this is absolutely frightful: they cannot find it, and
do not know where it is or where it has gone. We cannot find
her in the Vatican. It appears to have disappeared from our cities
and towns. There are half a dozen claimants to retaining the one,
true, holy Catholic Faith that the Second Vatican Council corrupted
to accommodate the world. Which one is true? Are any true?
And if not, where has Holy Mother Church gone and where can we
find her?
Christ is faithful unto the consummation
of time — but His Bride, the Church, appears to be in hiding
and is now virtually elusive.
Since Vatican II the Sheepfold has been torn
down and its gates are in ruins. The sheep are astray and cannot
find their pasture. They hear no voice they recognize
2 — only the
baying of wolves.
The Lesson to be Learned
Teach your children the true holy Catholic
Faith — because no one else will.
Even if it was never taught to you (and it probably was not),
learn it — teach it — and live it.
Beneath the photograph of Francis
that appears above are the conspirators who machinated his election
to the Seat of Saint Peter, from left to right:
Geoffrey K. Mondello
Boston Catholic Journal